The Very First Post

So, let me begin. Why is this blog called No Linux, No Life? Well, that is because Linux is indispensable to my life. Encounter with Linux and Ubuntu changed my mind and shaped my career. How can I express this excitement with words? Commandline operations, great accessibility to programming languages and flexible customization, what you can learn through Linux operations are endless! Here, let me explain why I love Linux for two main reasons.

First of all, learning command lines allows you to discover a whole new world of the computer. It's almost like learning a new language. Ever since I started to use a computer back in 2001-ish, Windows was my only option, and Linux was out of my radar (I didn't even know such a thing existed... so shame). Windows is fine, but everything must be done with that boring GUI operations. Ughhhhh. But once you taste the benefits of Linux, I assume you can't go back to the traditional GUI operations. Let's say you have Financial Reports, which are comprised of 100 files. and you want to change their names to Financial Result instead. If you were a Windows user, you would spend an hour to change their names manually. But with Linux, it takes only a second. All you need are mv or rename command. Were you a Linux user, you know what I mean. It's THAT pretty simple. It's just the tip of the iceberg. You can freely copy, move, create and delete thousands of files with simple command lines. Think about it. How much can it save you time? Not only does it make your work done in seconds, but you can also learn the very basics of computing languages.

Secondly, Linux's level of customization is almost endless. Once an ignorant lady whom I met in a meetup event told me that she's a Mac user. She explained how awesome it is to use a Macbook for its astonishing level of customization of the user interface. Okay... But with Linux, you can customize not only the user interface but also its background systems as well. Ever since I started to use Linux, I've always been a Ubuntu user. The user interface of the distro used to be Unity, but it switched to Gnome a few years ago. And I'm not a fan of the default theme of the distro, and it allows us to customize the entire user experience. Not only does Ubuntu but also other Linux distros offer such powerful customization options of desktop icons, cursor, and the entire view. It's something Windows/Mac users could NEVER experience. In terms of customization, you can create your own command-line operations with shell-scripting skills. If you could understand a certain level of command-line operations and have some basic coding skills, you would be able to code shell scripts to automate your every-day Linux operations. It is a very powerful and amazing skill to have anywhere in the world. In the process of learning shell scripting, you would be able to understand the fundamental structure of computing itself (maybe). The possibility of Linux is immense and endless!!

But you know... I'm still learning the whole picture of Linux, and I'm not professional at all. But my enthusiasm to learn and master Linux is second to none (I believe lol). Anyways, I'll try to keep updating this blog. And my intention is the I won't write solely about Linux, but about other broad range of IT-related topics, such as programming languages, photo-editing tools, spreadsheet enhancement, and more! Stay tuned and let's learn more about Linux and technology in general together!
