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The Very First Post

So, let me begin. Why is this blog called No Linux, No Life ? Well, that is because Linux is indispensable to my life. Encounter with Linux and Ubuntu changed my mind and shaped my career. How can I express this excitement with words? Commandline operations, great accessibility to programming languages and flexible customization, what you can learn through Linux operations are endless! Here, let me explain why I love Linux for two main reasons. First of all, learning command lines allows you to discover a whole new world of the computer. It's almost like learning a new language. Ever since I started to use a computer back in 2001-ish, Windows was my only option, and Linux was out of my radar (I didn't even know such a thing existed... so shame). Windows is fine, but everything must be done with that boring GUI operations. Ughhhhh. But once you taste the benefits of Linux, I assume you can't go back to the traditional GUI operations. Let's say you have Financial Rep

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